Phil Nichol YOUR WRONG

Thu 06 June 2019 20:00

Trump. Your wrong.

Brexit. Your wrong.

Facebook. Your wrong.

Tinder. Your wrong.

Religion. Your wrong.

Fashion. Your wrong.

Grammar. YOUR WRONG!

At 19 years of age Phil’s brother Andrew had a severe car accident that left him in a coma for 5 weeks. This is the story of the faith, the family, the pain, the love and the reality of the limits in medical science for the Nichol family.

We are being watched. Whether it’s the grammar Nazi’s on the internet, the court of public opinion in the media, the government through our smart phones, the aliens from deep in the crust of the moons of Jupiter, or by God himself, we are being monitored. The pressure to ‘get it right’ is tremendous! RIGHT?

Your Wrong questions the nature of understanding and explores our modern day need to be 100% right about everything even it means regurgitating misinformation, believing the unbelievable or just plain lying.

Your Wrong wants you to gently question your beliefs or at least look at how you came to have them in the first place.

Your Wrong wants to make you laugh and think in equal measure. And you’ll laugh a lot. Multiple award winner Phil Nichol has made mistakes and so have you. Not coming to this show would be another one for both of you. Right and wrong. Good and evil. Always funny!

“I believe this will be my very best show yet! But what do I know?”- Phil Nichol

.…a show that makes you laugh and think while you are watching, and then wakes you up in the night to laugh and think again.” ***** The Scotsman

… not just comedy but soul-quenching storytelling at its finest.” EdFestMag *****

Masterful” The Herald ****